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What is Bitcoin ?

What is Bitcoin ?

In recent days everyone is hearing the word bitcoin but most of the people doesn’t aware about the bitcoin concept, how it works etc. This article, will help to understand new users about the bitcoin currency.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency

Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency whose inventor is unknown and which used as a payment system worldwide. It is the first decentralized currency which is running without any control of any government nor the company nor any individual authority. It is using blockchain technology to verify the transactions through different network nodes.

Where to save bitcoins ?

Bitcoin saved in wallets. Wallets are hosted at exchange. Get more details about wallet.

How many bitcoins exist in the world ?

If Bitcoin is a currency then there should be a proper value with respect to each currency so question arises how this value is defined also how many total bitcoins exist because it can’t be indefinite. So, the Bitcoin’s value is decided by perception of users, it is the same method as most of the currencies work. Total number of bitcoins also changing in the world and that count will reach to Twenty one million only. After this, total number of bitcoins will not change. Currently, around sixteen million bitcoins are generated through mining.


In simple words, we can say blockchain technology is nothing but a technology which is managing the database that keeps record of the worldwide bitcoin transactions. You can find more details on below articles –
  • Blockchain technology can change the future technologies scope ?
  • What is blockchain technology ?
  • How blockchain technology works ?

Bitcoin Mining

As I mentioned earlier bitcoins are generated through mining process. Mining is required in bitcoin because, it is used to add new bitcoins in system also to add transaction records to bitcoin’s public ledger of past transactions. (Read more about Ledger here). Mining is designed to be resource-intensive and quite difficult so that number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. (Read more about blocks and miners here). Anyone can do the bitcoin mining and earn the bitcoins.
Below diagram will help to understand the complete architecture of bitcoin working.

About Machindra Dharmadhikari

Machindra Dharmadhikari
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